Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How Rockets Work

Rockets use basic rules of Physics to create that powerful launch that blasts them out of the Atmosphere.  Isaac Newton created three laws of motion.  These laws are acknowledged as a somewhat baseline for any physics motion problem.  In the case of a rocket launch, the Newton law that is proved is number three or:
Law Three: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
The rocket pushes on the ground when the explosion occurs.  This creates an opposite and equal reaction that pushes the rocket off the ground.
In the image above, the magnitude of the force pushing against the ground.  The stronger the force pushing against the ground, the longer the rockets journey will be.

Rockets that are made to go into Space, use an insane amount of force.  this is because the force needed to reach Space is very high.  This picture shows the launch of a rocket going into Space.  You can really see the great explosion needed to get this large mass up into the air.

 In this video we see our own model-rocket launches.  This was very fun! And it also helped us all learn about rockets and what is needed to make a rocket work.

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